Five Reasons a Buyer and Seller Should Not Talk With Each Other.

Five Reasons a Buyer and Seller Should Not Talk With Each Other.

  • Brenda Freeman
  • 02/17/17
First, you buy or sell very few houses over a lifetime. The experience you need to negotiate a transaction just isn’t there. You need to take the emotions out of the process, the professional can help you do that. There’s a lot of emotional turmoil for both the buyer and seller. The agent acts a good listener who is not emotionally involved. The professional understands these challenges and will help you negotiate the best deal possible.
Second, buying or selling a house is not like buying or selling a car or any other asset. Each property is unique, especially in our market in the mountains, there is no other house that is exactly the same as the one you want to buy or sell. The price of a house is based on location, views, access, quality, of the house, etc, your real estate agent understands this.
Third, it’s taken many years to develop the real estate sales and closure process. It begins with an accepted sales contract and ends with a settlement. In the middle, there are legal documents which control and focus the sale. These documents may seem arcane and confusing to the layperson. Let your real estate agent guide you through this process from beginning to end.
Fourth, communication: You may think that by speaking to the other party directly without going through your or their real estate agent, that you’re eliminating problems. It is usually the opposite. It may be that every word you utter has a legal meaning within the context of the real estate transaction. Further, you may say something that is completely misunderstood by the other party, or that gives away your motivation or puts you at some disadvantage without you even realizing what you have done. That’s why all communications between the buyer and seller should be vetted by the real estate agents. That way misunderstandings are avoided and the process can move smoothly to a final conclusion.
Fifth, negotiation: We have long term relations with most of the realtors in our market and know the best way to approach negotiations that are appropriate for their individual personalities. Being analytical with some, not ruffling feathers in others, or being blunt or firm in other scenarios. With years of experience we also understand what is traditionally a buyer or seller cost, and what is reasonable to push for and what should go by the wayside. Our job is to counsel you on the intricacies of our local market.

Work With Brenda

Brenda’s clients appreciate her high attention to detail, strong market analysis, and proven price and appraisal training. Her professionalism and dedication are yet another benefit.