
Sellers Listing Your Property

When Listing your property weather a condo, townhome, house, or land with us, you can rest assured that we’ll be working 24/7, through weekends, holidays, and vacations. Before you even make a final decision about listing your property – at no cost or obligation to you – we’ll spend  hours determining the highest, most effective listing price for your property. Once you engage with us, we’ll spend another 40-60 hours preparing and implementing marketing for your property. We’ll list your property on more than 50 real estate websites and provide local office coverage seven days a week. When Listing your property we’ll also take great pictures that highlight the best features of your home, including panoramic photos, wide angle photos, and interior photos. We’ll even throw in a video of your home or land, which gives potential buyers an enticing look at your property. Throughout the entire selling process – from the first time you call us, until well beyond the successful closing, we’ll communicate with you at every turn, advocate for you in all of the negotiations, and partner with you to make good decision.

Work With Brenda

Brenda’s clients appreciate her high attention to detail, strong market analysis, and proven price and appraisal training. Her professionalism and dedication are yet another benefit.