5 Reasons Why Listing Pages Always Work

5 Reasons Why Listing Pages Always Work

  • Brenda Freeman
  • 09/28/22

Listing pages are part of the home selling process nowadays, primarily because buyers are more likely to begin their search online. Listing pages are typically hosted on the website of a real estate brokerage but can be promoted on other platforms as well. With the majority of buyers using these pages as their first contact with a property, listing pages are always going to work in a seller’s favor.

If you’re selling a piece of Winter Park real estate in Colorado this year, you’re doing so at a great time. When you list your home, you want to be aware of the many things that go into making a listing page successful to optimize the hot market. By working closely with a qualified real estate agent, you can make your listing truly shine, and, if you’re wondering how and why that works, here are five reasons to consider.

1. Buyers visit online listing pages first

As mentioned above, buyers visit online listing pages first. A study by the National Association of Realtors on consumer and market trends showed that 90% of buyers used online search engines to browse for available properties. Even if they aren’t working with a real estate agent yet, buyers may head to the web to learn more about the local Winter Park real estate market and see which homes are currently up for grabs. They’ll likely want to get a general sense of pricing and inventory. When they start their search in earnest, they still tend to use online listings as their first stop in finding a property. Listing pages put your property up there for them to see, meaning that every buyer searching for homes in the area has the opportunity to see yours.

2. Listing pages take advantage of SEO

An additional reason why buyers searching online will find your home’s listing is because of SEO, or search engine optimization. Real estate agents and web developers who work on your listing page will make sure that it includes keywords and phrases that buyers are typing into Google or another search engine. An agent may include phrases like “Winter Park, Colorado, real estate” in their description of your home or “modern homes for sale in Winter Park,” because they know which key terms buyers are searching for that fit your listing.

3. Listing pages feature high-quality photography

Photography is arguably the most important part of a listing page and one of the reasons why these pages are so successful. In fact, homes with high-quality photography have been shown to sell over 30% faster than homes without them. Listings that feature more photos sell even faster. Buyers trust what they can see, so having plenty of photos of each part of your home can ensure your listing always works.

The key to real estate photography is hiring a professional team with experience shooting homes for sale. They should know how to properly adjust any interior lighting to make sure each photo comes out bright and clear. They may make slight changes to the decor to keep photos from feeling cluttered, and they should take photos from at least six different angles in each room. It can be tricky for buyers to figure out how one room connects to another, which is why videos and floor plan drawings are other helpful media that can make a listing work every time.

If you’re investing in photography for your piece of Winter Park real estate, go one step further and consider hiring a home stager, as well. Similarly to homes with high-quality photos, homes that are staged tend to perform far better than those that are not. In fact, recent surveys have shown that professional staging can help homes sell anywhere from 3-30 times faster than their non-staged counterparts, and for as much as 20% higher. The main reason why top listing pages always work is that homeowners have committed to making sure their home looks its best online.

4. Listing pages describe your home

While it’s true that most buyers are primarily drawn to listings for the photos and want to see what each room looks like, the listing description is just as important. Real estate agents with experience listing Winter Park homes for sale will know how to describe each feature of your home in an honest and flattering way. Real estate descriptions aren’t about inflating the merits of a property or avoiding its less valuable features, but rather about helping buyers get a sense of what the home has to offer while describing each feature favorably. Buyers often turn to the listing description after viewing the photos to confirm how many bedrooms and bathrooms the home has, which floor they’re located on, and what other amenities are onsite that may not be visible in the images, like laundry units or storage closets.

5. They connect buyers with your real estate agent

Buyers searching for Winter Park homes for sale need an easy way to connect with your agent. Listing pages provide that. Typically hosted on your agent’s site or a Multiple Listing Service (MLS), listing pages will note the agent responsible for the sale and have an easy way for buyers to get in touch.

If you’re looking for the right agent with which to sell your home in Winter Park, Colorado, consider working with Brenda Freeman. Brenda is one of Grand County’s most in-demand agents and takes a client-centered approach to each sale. Brenda works diligently with her clients to determine their top goals and then delivers through her attention to detail, honed marketing services, and expert negotiation skills. So when you’re ready to take the first step in selling your home in Winter Park, reach out to Brenda Freeman.

Work With Brenda

Brenda’s clients appreciate her high attention to detail, strong market analysis, and proven price and appraisal training. Her professionalism and dedication are yet another benefit.